Transparent Roller Shutter

Uses & Benefits Of Transparent Roller Shutters

While many of the roller shutters we deal with are classic – opaque and metallic, we have noticed an increased demand for a new trend these days – transparent roller shutters. We always ask our customers what kind of place they need their shutters for. Based on their answers, we may often recommend the transparent alternative to the traditional one.

Some of them are intrigued – are they really good? What are they useful for?

Transparent roller shutters are usually made of polycarbonate. It sounds less durable and more fragile than steel and aluminum, indeed. The good news is polycarbonate is just as durable. We point it out clearly though – clear shutters represent a good choice for certain places and not for every business out there. In terms of safety and security, they are solid and likely to pass the test of time.

What makes transparent roller shutters so popular?

Transparent roller shutters have one major benefit when compared to other types of shutters – they allow seeing what is inside. While we insist that it could also be a disadvantage for certain businesses, retail businesses will often take advantage of this feature.

In other words, our customers can safely display their merchandise while their shops are closed. Shutters are still visible, so they keep burglars away. But then, they allow potential customers to walk by and window shop for the next day. Picture this – someone sees the jacket you displayed, as well as the price, then decides to come in tomorrow and buy it.

Benefits of using transparent roller shutters

We have already made it pretty clear – transparent roller shutters allow you to market your stuff without even being in. In terms of security, they are almost as powerful and strong as metallic shutters.

If you run a small business in the middle of nowhere with no houses around it, someone can loudly break in without disturbing anyone. But then, if there are other buildings and neighbors around, there is nothing to worry about – security is flawless.

On another note, some of our clients choose clear shutters because they also allow others to keep an eye on their businesses. If no one can see what is inside, potential thieves can do whatever they want and take their time. But then, if someone spots a person with their face covered in a lit environment at 2AM, chances are they will do something about it.

Clear shutters are difficult to vandalize or deface and they reduce air, water and particle transparency.

Who we recommend transparent roller shutters to

We recommend clear roller shutters to businesses that need to market products, whether it comes to food, apparel or even electronics. We also recommend them to visible businesses in public places, rather than a tool shop in the countryside, half a mile away from the nearest building.

Some of the models we have are cheaper than metallic shutters, so they also make a good choice if you shop on a limited budget.​